hello! :) You can call me Noise or Adrian.


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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.

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I'm a Common Toad!
The largest toad found commonly in Europe, the Bufo Bufo species can grow up to 20cm in length with a rotund body. Active mostly at night, this toad will walk about slowly, sometimes making short jumps, in search of insects, worms and other invertebrates. This makes it of great help to farmers. At the end of autumn it buries itself in the soil where it remains until good weather arrives again.

I am Cubone!

What Homestuck Kid Are You?
What Homestuck Kid Are You?

"The main reason you scare people is because you want left alone! This is your house, after all - it's not a museum for pesky kids to come tromping through! If you could just scare those kids off once and for all, you'd be a much happier ghost - too bad they keep daring each other to come knocking at your door every Halloween!"

Which tarot card are you?

Take the quiz at emocowboy.neocities.org